El Ghibli - rivista online di letteratura della migrazione

عربية / english / español / français

Nader Ghazvinizadeh

I went out in my boat dirty with water from the port
I left the stone city
the sea follows its idea of the plain
no one wants to understand
the same litany I perform a thousand times on wood
and cook up, while everything trembles
and already the silence is changing my accent
I’ll get to the other side, in the cafés of wood
to see if boatmen do as on this shore
lapping the wind-swept cities
wood on plains of water at eight.

translated by Brenda Porster

The Iranian writer Nader Ghazvinizadeh lived in Eesph'an before moving to Bologna. He is the trainer of the Botafogo football team, has written about criminology and city planning in various newspapers and has worked as a radio journalist. He wrote the screenplays of the films "Drobgnac" and "Apocalisse in Via Orfeo". His works appear in Dieci poeti italiani [Ten Italian Poets](Pendragon 2002), Poesia. Narrativa (La Meridiana 2003) e Annuario di poesia 2004 (Castelvecchi 2004). He has published a collection of poems, Arte di fare il bagno [The Art of Bathing] (Giraldi ed., Bologna 2004), with a postscript by Roberto Roversi.

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Anno 2, Numero 10
December 2005



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