El Ghibli - rivista online di letteratura della migrazione

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The Fifth Season


I like the autumn
when thoughts rummage like thieves
into warm memories of summer
and desire strokes the glass
with transparent wings of rain.

The sky wears a sort of wound
in the breast, before dark . . .
if you touch it stars come on
while the moon’s petals
spread the scent of twilight freedom through the air.

Eyes tight shut
in the deep blue
I taste the turning
of the seasons . . .
spring, summer, autumn, winter, love.

Jealously I hoard
a ray of sun in my heart.
It will be yours, too . . .
Before the hourglass filters
its last leaf, over me.

translated by Brenda Porster

Yasmine is the penname of Silvia Oprisa, Rumanian, born in 1967 in Transylvania. She graduated in civil engineering in Rumania, but has always been faithful to her passion for literature, painting and art in general, as well as for foreign languages. She lives in Italy, in Bologna, where since 1997 she has been employed in a service sector company.

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Anno 2, Numero 10
December 2005



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